Do you know what your self-love language is? Or did you have any idea that “self-love languages” even existed before coming across this article? Well, most of us have heard about the five love languages from Gary Chapman, that outline five general ways to express love towards our romantic partners. But what about our self-love languages? How do we prefer to love ourselves?
Like the rest of us, I looked for love and words of affirmation from others before and thought that I need someone else to make me feel good and loved. But boy, I was so wrong! Over the past decade, I learned so much more about my personal self-love languages and my self love.

Although we look for love languages as guidance for our interpersonal relationships, our relationship with ourselves should be the most important one of all. You must be aware of the importance of self-love for our mental and emotional well-being, so why not learn what makes us happy?
We are always so busy trying to figure out the love language for our significant other, it is time to figure one out for yourself!
The five self-love languages are:
• Physical Touch
• Acts of Service
• Words of Affirmation
• Receiving Gifts
• Quality Time
Physical Touch
Physical Touch
Massages, Spa days, Skincare routine, cozy blankets… if these things sound like heaven to you, then your self-love language is Physical Touch!
Anything that makes your body feel good and relaxed and aids in your physical being is related to this self-love language. The body is a container to your soul when it’s pampered and taken care of, your soul feels all the love!
You can feel at peace after giving your body the attention that it needs, it can either be by hitting a gym or going to a spa. Your exhausting and stressful days can be turned into good days after hot and fancy

bubble baths. Focusing on your external health and wellness will make you feel good. Try to incorporate this self-love language in your daily life!
Acts of Service
Those of you who enjoy organizing and setting things up, cleaning and clearing out spaces makes you happy, getting things in order before going to bed gives you a good night sleep, your self-love language is Acts of Service.

You can do things like, making your bed, taking care of responsibilities, prepping meals before cooking, making lists and checking off the boxes to give yourself immense joy. Your mind wants everything to be done right away, and getting things done keeps you sane. Honestly, this could be the best self-love language anyone can have as it makes your life so much easier when all your things are prepared and organized.
Another important part of this self-love language is that you enjoy doing little acts of kindness for yourself, like having therapy sessions or cooking yourself a nice meal. All these tasks help you be a better version of yourself and have a huge impact on your external environment. Now that you know that this is your self-love language go ahead and decorate your living space to give your soul the satisfaction it deserves!
Words of Affirmation

This has got to be my personal favorite! No matter what your self-love language is, words of affirmation are necessary for every individual, and they can have a great impact on our confidence and mental-health that we mostly fail to realize.
Saying things like “It is going to be okay”, “You’ve got this!” can calm you in the most critical situations. Using words to build yourself up and just staying positive can make your life a lot better.
Use daily affirmations, be your own cheerleader, or ask for feedback at work. There is already so much negativity going on around us that we need to have these small things to preserve positivity.
Receiving Gifts- Gift Yourself!
Who doesn’t love receiving gifts? But not just from others, you can give gifts to yourself too. Like they all say, Treat yo’self! If you are someone whose serotonin comes from store-bought things and can connect objects with strong emotions and memories, your self-love language is Receiving Gifts.
There is no need to deprive yourself of buying things that make you happy just to save some money. You can get something that you truly need without splurging on random things. Even something as small as a donut can elevate your mood and turn a gloomy day into a good one. This self-love language doesn’t require you to go big on your purchases, but feeling loved through life’s little indulgences.
We all are always thinking and planning to give our loved ones the best gifts and surprises, but it is essential to do all those things for yourself too to keep your soul happy. Go ahead and buy those things that you’ve been putting off for so long!
Quality Time
Quality Time means spending some productive time with yourself and being present in the moment. It helps you to sit back, relax and take a break from LIFE.
Sometimes productive time doesn’t mean to finish your pending tasks or do piles of work. Instead, sitting at a café for coffee without your laptop, binge-watching your favorite Netflix shows, or reading a new book is also counted as productive because it makes your soul happy.

Ending Thoughts…
I think that even if I go around searching the whole universe for someone who deserves my love and affection, no one deserves it more than my own self.
We owe it to ourselves to give us what we need and when we need it, and for that, we have to acknowledge it first. Most of us are in denial that choosing others before yourself is the right thing to do, it sure is but not always. Figure out what makes you happy and makes you feel loved and add them to your daily routine!